As we all know, these days, the Ahmadi-savages, via web-based media, are going near and rejecting the fact that Ahmadis had at any point done Takfir on anybody. Truly, the destined to be Qadiani group of Ahmadis started doing open Takfir on all Muslims (Shias, Sunnis, Sufi’s, all Muslims), in 1911, by then they weren’t “Qadianis” yet, since the split occurred in 1914.
The Lahoris versus Qadiani’s contentions started. They discussed each other on a couple of points, Prophethood, Takfir, Khilafat.
Mirza Mahmud (the Khalifa) says that his denial as denial of “bani Isreal”, just as denial of Mirza Ghulam Ahmad Qadyani is a denial of other prophets. He says his denial is denial of messenger of God. His denial is denial of Maseeh maoud.( 22 sep-1917 Al fazal, page 2).
The Lahori-Ahmadi position on Takfir was through Muhammad Ali in 1918 (See “The Split in the Ahmadiyya Movement”, page 124), he basically said the deniers of Mirza Ghulam Ahmad Qadiani were not Kafir’s, though, the Khalifa, Mirza Basheer ud Din Mahmud, and his siblings and family trusted Mirza Ghulam Ahmad Qadian to be an undeniable Prophet and subsequently deniers of the prophethood were Kafirs per the Quran (even the Lahori-Ahmadi’s through their disavowal of Mirza Ghulam Ahmad Qadian’s prophethood).
In 1911, Mirza Mahmud Ahmad composed doubtlessly that any deniers of Mirza Ghulam Ahmad Qadiani were Kafir’s, even the individuals who hadn’t known about Mirza Ghulam Ahmad Qadiani. Muhammad Ali qouted Mirza Mahmud Ahmad’s popular exposition of 1911, which was initially disavowed by the Khalifa, Noor-ud-din. Khwaja Kamal-ud-din had likewise swiftly authored an explanation in 1911, stating that the deniers of Mirza Ghulam Ahmad Qadiani were not Kafir. While Muhammad Ali was still at Qadian in March 1914, he distributed in the Paigham-e-Sulh and was against announcing Muslims as Kafirs as opposed to the gathering of Ahmadi’s who followed the new Khalifa.
About a year after the split, in March-April of 1915, Mirza Bashir Ahmad wrote Kalimatul-Fasl, in this book, he did Takfir on all Muslims and Lahori Ahmadi’s. Muhammad Ali reacted to this in 1918 in his book, “The Split in the Ahmadiyya Movement”. Muhammad Ali contended that Mirza Ghulam Ahmad Qadiani was not a prophet, and subsequently his deniers would never be Kafir’s.
Indeed, even in 1919, the Khalifa kept on doing open Takfir. However, by 1922, the Khalifa finally responded to Muhammad Ali in his acclaimed book, “Ayena-e-Sadaqat” (The Mirror of Truth)(December 1921) in English as “Truth About the Split”(1924). In this book, the Khalifa confessed to doing Takfir, notwithstanding the fact that he appears to have been mellowing his position and alluded to Muslims as “ghair-Ahmadi-musalman” in english as non-Ahmadi-Muslims.
After a year (1923), he rigorously restricted Ahmadi’s to call Muslims as Kafir’s. Qadiani-Ahmadi’s would covertly think about Muslims as Kafir’s for the following 25+ years.
In 1931, as Followers of Mirza Ghulam Ahmad Qadiani were anticipating assuming control over Kashmir and overseeing it’s anything but a qadiani state. In this statement, the lone instructed child of Mirza Ghulam Ahmad Qadiani tells the world that his father would say that ahmadis vary with Muslims on each and every piece of Islam. Truth be told, after 1923, the Ahmadiyya Khalifa requested the normal Ahmadi to quit doing Takfir.
Mirza Bashir Ahmad tells the world that Mirza Ghulam Ahmad qadiani said that:
“It is wrong that we differ with Muslims on Point of Life and death of Hazrat Eisa (as) and other aspects, but we differ on Entity of Allah, Quran, Prayer, Fasting, Hajj and Zakat but (we differ ) with (Muslims) on each and every single thing.” (Friday sermon by Mirza Bashir Ahmad, AL-fazal Qadian: vol 19, no 13, 30 july 1931)
The Al-fazl distributed a paper that appears to cite Mirza Ghulam Ahmad Qadiani’s Takfiri remarks of 1906, subsequently affirming that Qadiani-Ahmadi’s were all the while doing quiet Takfir in their souls.
In 1935, the Al-fazl quoted Mirza Ghulam Ahmadi’s letter of 1906 wherein he did Takfir in his private letter to Dr. Khan.
“God has revealed it to me that the person who did not believe in me after having heard about me is not a Muslim.” (Al-Fazl , Qadian, Jan 15, 1935 – Al-Hukum , 4:24, Mirza Ghulam Qadiani)
Hence, there is no way left out for Mirzai’s to deny their takfir. Which then stamped later in 1974, at the National Assembly, when Mirza Nasir Ahmad affirmed that Ahmadi thinks about Muslims as Kafir’s.
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