The Arabian Peninsula has got a great status for Muslims because the Quran was revealed there. Allah has showered His special blessings on this sacred land. A piece of every Muslim’s heart lives there.

Apart from Arab, Egypt also holds a significant status as it has been a centre of Islamic learning and beautiful recitations. Well-known jurists, scholars, and reciters hail from Egypt and have been serving the religion worldwide.

As for the subcontinent, it has magnificent Scholars and Ulamas who have been busy serving Islam throughout their life. They played a vital role in the escalation of Islam throughout the region and it’s a great honour for them that one of the finest scholars of Egypt Sheikh Abdul Ahad Azhari once stated:

The Qur’an was revealed in Arabia, recited in Egypt, and understood in Hind (subcontinent).

As he narrates that while in Madinah, someone asked him about whose status is more reputed? Parents or teachers? Sheikh gave his opinion that the teacher has a higher status which Mufti Saeed Ahmad Palanpuri, a teacher of Hadith in Jamia Deoband, India objected, then further clarified and satisfied him with examples from Ahadith and Sunnah. Sheikh Abdul Ahad was astonished at Mufti Saeed’s understanding of the Quran and Sunnah. There he gave his above-stated golden statement.

Undoubtedly scholars of the subcontinent struggled all their lives to safeguard and spread Islam. It is because of their hard work and loyalty that we received Islam preserved in its essence in this era.