The atrocities of the Followers of Mirza Ghulam Ahmad Qadiani Jamaat are increasing day by day until now the people of their Jamaat cannot even sell their property of their own free will. A man named Attique Shah from his congregation settled the deal for his house.

According to details, Attique made a written agreement worth 8 million with one Shakeel Ahmed, another Ahmadi residing in Germany, to sell his house.Selling properties for Ahmadis is conditional on the approval of the Committee Abadi Department.This committee did not allow Attique to sell his house to Shakeel.

Attique Shah travelled all the way to Rabwa only to display a protest banner against a decision of a Jamaat.
He displayed a protest banner at his house in Rabwa. It criticises the Jamaat-e-Ahmadia in severe words.

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