Yesterday I came across an item of news that stated, “Pakistan’s only scientist who won the Noble Prize is honored with the blue plaque by the ‘British government’ after his death. The news further said that these blue plaques are specifically dedicated to scientists only, and his house will now be considered as a national heritage. Now you will be wondering what is wrong with the news. There are numerous things that are being bogus here. Well, what else you can expect from the Rabwah Times except for exaggerated and fabricated news? Coming back to the point, here is what my research says about the blue plaques:

  • You have to be dead for at least 20 years to get the blue plaque so if Dr. sahib got it after his death it is obviously the only way to get it. Nothing new! People get it only after they die.
  • These blue plaques are given by the “English Heritage” which is a charitable foundation and has nothing to do with the British government.
  • The nominees for the blue plaque are proposed by the common people of the UK not by the Government. This charitable organization sets a criterion, the forms are available online, you propose your candidate and if they are eligible they will be awarded the blue plaque.
  • The blue plaque has nothing to do with scientists only. It can be given to anyone who has done any significant work in any field. He may be an artist, singer, or politician.
  • Last but not least! None of the buildings with blue plaques are considered a national heritage! “English Heritage” is just the name of the organization that’s all!
    That’s a lot of fabricated news!
    I hope the above facts will help The Rabwah Times and the followers of Mirza Qadiani to come out of their illusions and post something less manufactured next time.