A man was invited to a seminar to speak about hunting dinosaurs and  obtaining precious jewels from their remains, which could later be sold for around twenty-six million dollars. The Speaker taught advanced techniques for capturing and killing dinosaurs on screen.

Inspired by the program, one of his followers spent five long years searching for dinosaurs in various jungles, but to no avail. Dinosaurs were nowhere to be found, for it was a well-known fact that dinosaurs had long been extinct.

After enduring a difficult search, the Follower returned in a dilapidated condition and approached the Speaker. He recounted his struggle and asked, “Why did you teach me how to kill dinosaurs  when they no longer exist? I am now impoverished and I am still unable to make money with that knowledge.”

The Speaker responded, “Who told you to go out and find dinosaurs?”

In response, the Follower asked, “Then how will the jewels be found?”

The Speaker replied, “Oh, my innocent friend, my lecture was not about hunting dinosaurs but rather about earning money by teaching others how to hunt dinosaurs. That is the actual key to becoming affluent.”


This story reflects the reality of many motivational speakers who entrap innocent individuals with their charismatic communication skills. These speakers often target people who are in personal or emotional distress, have lost their jobs, or are unsure  about their life’s direction. These people seek unconditional comfort and support hoping to alleviate their sense of hopelessness.

Motivational speakers often exaggerate the difficulties and burdens of their audience’s lives. They present themselves as the solution to their lack of motivation and productivity. Their message revolves around the notion that by following their guidance, all problems will magically disappear.

The motivational speakers croon, “Listen to us, and all your problems will go away.”

They frequently try to sell you an uplifting story that contains these words.

“My life was completely ruined. I hit rock bottom and Ididn’t have the foggiest idea what to do. However, one morning, I had a revelation and did something completely different. Now my life is amazing. You, with your messed up and hopeless life, can have a fantastic future like mine if you just read my book, take my course, and heed my guidance. I guarantee it will change your life, just like it has for millions of others I have helped. All the secrets are here with me.”

You hear those words and your eyes start to sparkle.

Some way or another, you feel enlightened. You feel like the conduits of paradise have at long last flung open to allow trust to hurry into your heart.

These masters, don’t they appear to plunge upon you, with the shine of points, when you’re so desperately looking for a sprinkle of light? They track you down at your lowest point, and with their entrancing energy, they inundate you with mesmerizing appeal and take you to back up in a fantasy world.

Yet, that inclination, it’s very short-lived, on the grounds. While their words have the ability to move you, their belongings wear off as quickly as water dribbles down your hands.

At a point, the motivators enrapture you, deceive you, raise your energy, and give you tips, however, do they offer you in excess of a pitiful passing fix?

Do they equip you with the practical techniques and strategies you need to build a fulfilling life in the long run?

No more often than not, what they’re reiterating is simply regularly realized and reused contemplations being written down or spoken about in an encapsulating format.

The problem is that once you’ve been swept up in their motivation, you become temporarily filled with confidence. However, in the midst of this excitement, you forget the truth, and your eyes become blinded to reality.

 Consequently, you fail to realize that no one possesses all the answers, and those who claim to do so are selling a fabricated story. They are scammers seeking to exploit a market, seize an opportunity, or take advantage of someone’s vulnerability.