According to the World Military Strength Ranking for the year 2022, Pakistan’s military has been ranked as the ninth most powerful army worldwide. The Armed Forces of Pakistan have been instrumental in maintaining its integrity and fostering nation-building ever since its establishment. In times of natural or man-made disasters, the Armed Forces have always been at the forefront of national efforts. They have significantly contributed to easing people’s suffering in times of natural disasters, such as floods, earthquakes and forest fires, by providing immediate assistance and relief.

Various nations have sought assistance from Pakistani security in times of despair, and Pakistan has led a consistent effort in offering support. Pakistan has long demonstrated that it is the primary security provider for many Gulf nations. Infact Pakistan takes great pride in having established aviation authorities in numerous of these nations.

Pakistan maintains close military ties with Saudi Arabia; supporting, arming, and training the Saudi military extensively. Ever since the 1970s, Pakistani officers have been positioned in Saudi Arabia to safeguard the Realm. In 2017, General Raheel Sharif was appointed as the commander-in-chief of the Islamic Military Counter Terrorism Coalition, a 41-nation alliance of Muslim countries headquartered in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia.

In addition to this, Pakistan’s security forces are providing their services in the current FIFA World Cup, 2022 that is taking place in Qatar. From November 20th to December 18th, approximately 1.2 million fans are expected to attend the FIFA World Cup in Qatar, for which Islamabad has sent thousands of soldiers to provide security.

Qatar is receiving assistance for ensuring the safety of the competitions from thirteen nations; including France, Jordan, Turkey, Britain and the United States. In October, over 4,500 Pakistani infantrymen arrived in Qatar, thus making Pakistan the only nation to have sent soldiers to Doha.

As long as these forces are serving on the borders to protect us from enemies’ eyes, we can sleep rest assured that no harm will come to us.I wish health, wealth, and prosperity for our soldiers. Salute, love, and prayers for our armed forces who are not afraid to sacrifice their lives to protect ours.

اپنی جان نظر کروں
اپنی جان نظر کروں
اپنی وفا پیش کروں
قوم کے مرد مجاہد تجھے کیا پیش کروں ؟
تونے دشمن کو جلا ڈالا ہے شعلہ بن کہ
ابھرا ہر گام پہ تو فتح کا نعرہ بن کے
اس شجاعت کا تجھے کیا میں صلا پیش کروں
اپنی جان نظر کروں
عمر بھر تجھ پہ خدا اپنی عنائت رکھے
عمر بھر تجھ پہ خدا اپنی عنائت رکھے
تیری جراءت تیری عظمت کو سلامت رکھے
جذبہ شوق شہادت کی دعا پیش کروں
اپنی جان نظر کروں
اپنی جان نظر کروں
اپنی وفا پیش کروں
قوم کے مرد مجاہد تجھے کیا پیش کروں ؟
اپنی جان نظر کروں