The history of Jamaat-e-Ahmaddiya is filled with adultery, there have been many cases in past where the jamaat has been disgraced by its own officials, from Mirza Ghulam Ahmed to Mirza Masroor.  There are numerous cases of adultery and rape that have been reported then buried due to lack of access to justice. But this time the snare is tight in the throat of jamaat. Yes I am talking about Nida-al-Nassar case.

Nida-al-Nassar , a 36-year-old woman, is a close relative of Mirza Masroor Ahmed, the fifth spiritual leader of the movement, and the granddaughter of the third and fourth-ranked leaders in various respects. She was born in Britain.

The leaked telephonic conversation between Mirza Masroor and Nida caused the turmoil in the Ahmadiyya Community, in which Mirza Masroor was trying to convince Nida to withdraw all the allegations of rape against the family of the Jamaat Ahmadiyya leader.

Nida-al-Nassar repeatedly accused Mahmood Shah, brother-in-law of the spiritual leader, and Mirza Mubashir Ahmed an orthopedic doctor at an Ahmadi hospital in Rabwah and a relative of the spiritual leader, of repeatedly abusing her during her four-year stay in Rabwah.  She also accused her own father of repeatedly raping her at an early age in Britain. She accused Mirza Maghfoor Ahmed, the leader of the American party and leader’s brother, of trying to persuade her to have sex, which she has denied.

 The controversy has already shaken the top leadership of the 10 million Ahmadiyya community around the world. Before going to the London police, Nida went to the party leader Mirza Masroor for five months with allegations and repeatedly pressured him to respond. “Nothing will happen and people will forget in a few days”, was his reply. Nida recorded their 44-minute conversation, which was done in Urdu, and it was posted on social media on December 11.  The party leadership did not challenge the authenticity of the video and Nida confirmed that the recording was genuine.

Ahmadi leaders told their members not to talk about the case, but Ehsan Rehan, editor of the Ahmadi newspaper Rabwah Times, tweeted:

  “I am shocked, embarrassed, and saddened by the recent allegations of sexual abuse by a member of the Ahmadi community.  I hope the police will conduct a full investigation and bring the perpetrators to justice”

This Nida Nassar case is not new in the Ahmadiyya community. Before her, numerous women have been the victims of such sexual barbarism, one of them was Fauzia Faizi who is also one of the rape survivors of Ahmadiyya leadership accuses. (

After Nida-al-Nassar many men and women have come forward with allegations of sexual abuse by Jamaat persons and office bearers.