Every day new happenings are taking place and we usually believe in everything we see. This is not justified and it is even worse to spread news without confirmation. Well today, we will discuss a rumor spread by the ignorant people who believe what they hear without finding out for themselves what is the real truth. 

It’s about the caliph of Mirza Ghulam Qadiani’s community, “Mirza Masroor”. The rumor is that he was accused of rape and that he had the nice experience of living a small part of life in the District Jail as well. If you dig deep into the details you will come to know the truth of which many are still unaware. The truth of the matter, due to which this jail trip came into existence, wasn’t the case of rape at all. The actual reason behind it was disfiguring a Quranic Ayah.

Actually the story is about 21 years ago, most definitely in the year 1999, when the name of “Rabwah” was changed to “Chenab Nagar”. This was the issue that ignited hatred in the hearts of the Qadianis and they started defacing every nameplate that carried the name of ‘Chenab Nagar’. The nameplate with which the name “Chenab Nagar” was inaugurated on 26 February 1999 had a Quranic Ayah engraved on it. Maulana Manzoor Ahmad Chinioti (Rahimahullah) told a gathering that the Qadianis were vandalizing the nameplates of Chenab Nagar but this time the nameplate had a Quranic Ayah engraved on it so if the act was repeated, then there would be no compromise. But later on this very same thing happened. Yes, the nameplate with the Quranic Ayah was disfigured by some Qadianis. Black ink was smeared on it and they even tried to break it. 

A report was registered for this heinous act. Then after a lot of struggle finally on 14th March the report was registered officially against Mirza Masroor, Colonel Ayaz and others who were found guilty of this act. They started their struggle of bail before arrest and even tried to bribe the judges but the judges were honourable enough to stand firm. No help was given to the culprits by any judge or any court. But then the former Chief Minister Shahbaz Sharif took this matter into his hand, freed them and gave them a clean chit illegally. The judge was changed by the Qadianis’ efforts but even the new judge gave orders against them and declared that this bail is illegal and ordered for their re-arrest.

So, this was the actual case which is rarely known to people and nobody goes deep into this matter. People just believe what they see on social media and start forwarding the wrong information. This was the very first time in the 100-year history of Qadiyani community that a person from Mirza’s family was arrested and jailed. There was also a time when Mirza Ghulam Ahmad Qadiyani was a part of Imperialism and any person accusing him of being a liar had to spend months in jail. But this pride of Mirza, by Allah’s grace, bit the dust after independence. Freedom prevailed and truth got the power it deserved. Now there’s no fear in speaking about the wrong and circulating the truth. 

Truth cannot be buried tight

Lies always come to light.