The slogan represents the motto of an organization. It portrays the humane image of a congregation.

Usually, a slogan is either made by the founder of the pioneer/leader of that group. But have you ever heard of a slogan that contradicts the sayings of the founder of that group?? And if such things happen what would one accept as the perspective of this particular group?? The “slogans'” or that of the “founder”? This is unlikely to happen as the ideology of the founder of the institution is always honored and is considered its true essence !! And if that founder claimed himself as a “Prophet” then what he said is the last word for his Ummah. Now, why this lengthy discussion? Why discuss something practically impossible? Those followers will be hypocrites who are preaching something completely contradictory to the ideology of their leader.

Well, the question appears who are they? You might have heard the slogan “Love for all Hatred for none”. The so-called “Ahmadiyya Jamaat” pops up in your mind after reading this slogan? They are always promoting this slogan as their manifesto. I am not doubting their intentions here, they might want love for all but the teachings of their so-called “Prophet” (the infidel) are completely antithetical to what they are preaching.

The founder of this Jamaat, Mirza Ghulam Qadiani describes his inspiration (Ilham) in Miyaar-ul-Akhyar, in this way:

“Whoever does not follow you and does not enter into your allegiance and only opposes you, he is a hellish person who disobeys God and His Messenger.”

(Majmua-e- Ishtiharat volume 3 page 275, Miyaar-ul-Akhyar page 8, 25 May 1900)

Calling all oppositions of the followers of Mirza Ghulam Qadiani in the world infidel isn’t hatred, right? It is just a term for disbelievers!! What about calling those who do not follow you the Children of prostitutes?

“Every Muslim look at my books with love, and benefits from their teachings, and accepts me and confirms my invitation, except for the children of harlots.”

(Roohani Khazaien, volume 5, page 547-548)

Well, many of the followers of Mirza Ghulam Qadiani debate that Al-Baghaya (البغایا )doesn’t mean prostitutes here, but mates.

According to their books see Roohani Khazaien, volume 16 pages 371, 426, and 428 for further explanation of this word.

What a marvelous display of affection from the great leader, indeed his intentions were not wrong!! Mirza Qadiani wrote “in love” about his opponents:

“Our Enemies are pigs of our deserts and their women are more than bitches.”

(Najam ul Huda, Roohani Khazaien, volume 14, page53)

Applause for this love for All !!! Is this the message that jamaat e Ahmadiyyah portrays? Is it how we spread harmony? Neither Mirza allowed his followers to marry Muslims nor permitted them to offer the funeral prayer of Non-Ahmadi, even due to their grudges they call infants of Muslims as Hindus and Christians (Anwar-e-khilafat, Anwar ul Uloom vol 3, pg. 150).

Well considering Christians and Hindus is again not detestation, right? So, what do you think of this announcement of Mirza Mehmood:

“Our only good is to consider the whole world as our enemy and try to invade them”?

(Khutbaat-e-Mehmood, vol 12, 372)

So, my dear fellows that are the followers of Mirza Ghulam Qadiani, Would you like to explain considering the whole world as your enemy? Is it the “love” you talk about? Well as you can see this abomination is not only for Muslims. Mirza and his followers hate every single person who doesn’t belong to their religion. He hates Christians and their God equally. He stated:

“though there is no doubt the priests of this time are liars and infidels”

(Noor-ul-Haq, Ruhani Khazain vol 82)

He further said:

“I hate and disgust the self-made God of Christians more than all Muslims, even if the hatred of all Muslims are kept in one side of the scale my hatred on another side, my side will be heavier!”

(Mulfuzaat, vol 3 page 330).

His grudges were not only for Christians but for Essa (A.S) as well. Consider one example here,

“He (Messiah) had nothing but deceit and deception in his hands. Then it is a pity that incompetent Christians are making such a person a god”,

(Ruhani Khazain vol 11, pg 291)

Although Muslims never claim any hatred towards any God of Christians. In fact, Essa (A.S) holds a great honor in Islam. Well, that’s another debate about why Mirza Ghulam Qadiani hated Essa (A.S). There is a long list of things I can quote here as proof of Mirza’s Hatred towards every single person these are just a few examples. How could the followers of such a (fake) “So-called Prophet” promote love and peace? This is nothing but hypocrisy to gain sympathy and attention from the world. They know what exactly their cult is and they know if their true face is revealed, there will be no place to seek escape. That’s why they depict a false image of their religion to get accepted by the world!! This is one of the reasons they don’t promote reading Mirza Ghulam Qadiani’s books because his books have no good but just hatred, antipathy, and grudges for all!!