by Muhammad Maaz Hamid

ہماری خاک سے خوشبو وطن کی آۓ گی
ہمارا خون ہے شامل اِس وطن کی مٹی می

Freedom is a blessing that nations receive as a gift, where everyone is free to make his/her own life decisions. But the question arises, ‘’ Should there be so much freedom for people to leave religious traditions or for sake religious values and become liberal minded? Of course not. A true Muslim never agrees with this thought.
Pakistan is based on religious ideology. History witnesses that after the State OF Madinah, it is the second state that came into being on the basis of Islamic Ideology. Now a days, Independence Day is commonly celebrated with fireworks, fairs, concerts, etc., but Islam does not teach all this. A person should celebrate Independence Day by thanking Allah that he has given such a beautiful blessing in the form of Pakistan.
Pakistan was not a country that just appeared out of thin air.; rather, it came into being after a lot of sacrifices, hundreds of decisions, and thousands of efforts that finally resulted in the formation of Pakistan.
The word Pakistan is a combination of two Persian words: pak means pure and stan means place. So the word Pakistan means the place of pure people or purity’’. Allah mentioned in the Quran that milk is produced from impure substances, i.e., waste (the digested food) and blood, which has neither the colour nor taste of blood or waste, and made it a pure substance. Same as the example of milk, Allah also created Pakistan from between the Hindus and British Nations and made it a pure country that has neither Hindi nor British influence
Allah has bestowed millions of blessings on Pakistan. Pakistan is rich in minerals, which can generate a large share of foreign exchange from their exports. There are 57 Muslim countries in the world, but only Pakistan is a nuclear power, which is also a major blessing of Allah.
Hence, Allah has blessed Pakistan and made it excellent in every respect. In short, every person should work individually and play his or her role in the progress of Pakistan. May Allah give success to Pakistan and keep it free from violence and unlawful acts that harm the nation. May Allah protect our beloved country from all sides, enemies, and different hardships and challenges.