Today’s topic is going to be an intriguing one! Barakah a word we come across multiple times every day. What is Barakah? While greeting each other we exchange Barakah and even in Durood Sharif we ask Allah to grant Barakah to Prophet Muhammad Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam the way He did to Prophet Ibrahim (A.S). Why? What’s the meaning of this “blessing” this “Barakah”? 

Well this Barakah can be defined as the ‘abundance’ which is granted by Almighty Allah. Increase in anything slightly but unimaginably is what Barakah means. Something you achieve not as per your own sources or efforts but more than that. The “more than that” is Allah’s Barakah. When Allah puts Barakah in your health then you will have a long healthy life without much effort or you will be able to perform more in less time. When Allah puts Barakah in your parenthood you have off springs pious and healthy. Simply anything you have when you ask Allah for Barakah, Allah puts His blessing in it in the best possible way. When Allah is pleased by your deeds He’ll put Barakah in your rizq so that you will be able to accomplish what you never dreamt of.

Well rizq is not only money or food. Rizq is every good thing you have… the smiling faces of your loved ones is Rizq, the loving presence of your parents is Rizq, the good health you have is rizq and most importantly the capacity and intention to do good for the love of Allah is rizq. Rizq is all the good things you have or will ever have.

What comes to your mind when asked for the antonym of Barakah? “Bey-Barkati” Right? Well it’s the actions we perform so carelessly which change the blessings destined for us into calamity. It’s not like life’s difficult, no, it’s just a few things we have to control. If we abide by the restrictions set by Quran and Sunnah our life will be filled with Allah’s countless bounties and blessings. Beauty is in obeying Allah. How lucky that we have our Creator to watch over us, Our Creator who created a few rules so that we don’t ruin ourselves. 

Declaring the Kalima means that we are the slaves of Allah 24/7. That we accept that success lies in submission to Allah and in following the Sunnah of Mohammad (sallAllahu alaihi wasallam). The day we get this meaning to impact our day to day activities we’ll be surrounded by Allah’s Barakah in more ways than we can imagine. May Allah make us good enough so that His Barakah continues to shower on us. Aameen.

Bounties of Allah limitless,

Blessings by Allah comparison-less,

Commands by Him harmless,

Acting on it brings Barakah boundless.