Islam means bringing peace…

I still remember the days shortly after I had embraced Islam – true Islam, Allah’s one and only true religion. Back then I had no idea about the working of the Arabic language, how verbs are formed from root letters, how adding letters to the root can bring about a whole new world of meaning, and so forth.

My amazement knew no bounds when I found out that ‘Islam’ and ‘Salam’ got the same root, that both carry the meaning and message of peace…

I still remember taking out my writing pad and pencil and trying to put this incredible realization into a befitting form. That was more than 30 years ago… but as I look at the free verse I wrote back then as a teenager, I thought, ‘Why not share those words with you?’

Islam means ‘Bringing peace’

Bringing peace into a world of madness

Peace between yourself and Allah

Peace to your own heart and soul

Islam means ‘making friends

In a swamp of hatred

And lust for worldly gains

Because friends for the sake of Allah are the best friends you can make

Islam means ‘bringing love and joy’

love and joy for those who fell victim to our times

After all, you too received love and joy

Like a brightly shining star in the darkness of this world

Islam is more than just a religion

Islam is the way to Allah – not a dead end!

Islam is our safe harbor and salvation – from all that ails us!

Islam is when the human being is by your side

Through the clouds that darken his soul

Suddenly receives the loving message of Allah!

Friends! This is what Islam is about. And this is the message we wish to share with our blog readers. May Allah enlighten our hearts and minds and fill them with the light of true Islam, the Islam that was brought to us by the Last and Final Prophet, Muhammad-ur-Rasool-Ullah, Ahmad Mujtaba (sallallahu alaihi wasallam),which is as pure and unadulterated today as it was 1400 years ago, and which we shall continue to protect until the dawn of Judgement Day. Ameen