I was scrolling on YouTube for good content. Suddenly, I got stuck on one channel that had just uploaded my video with its name and logo. I was astonished that I reported that channel within no time because I could not allow anyone to use my content without my permission.

Thirty minutes later, I got a mail from YouTube that the channel I had reported had been blocked for copyright issues. 

If ‘I’ being a common person cannot allow anybody to use my identity, product, or ideas, how can anyone else be allowed to use the identity of Islam? How can anybody think of fooling others in the name of Islam? Not a single person has permission to use the identity and rituals of Islam for any other ideology.  

If someone tries to use our belongings and property, we cannot adopt the silent mode, can we? We will probably take action to stop them from doing so. We know that using the trademark of any brand or company for our own products is illegal then how can anyone be allowed to go against the law?

The followers of Mirza Ghulam Qadiani just can’t use our identity because they have different beliefs. They don’t believe that the Holy Prophet, Rasoolullah (sallallahu alaihi wasallam) is the last prophet. According to them, Mirza Ghulam Ahmad Qadiani is the last prophet. They are not just spoiling their own religion but distorting Islam too.    

Just think about the Day of Judgment when all of them who are fooling others (and themselves) will be blocked by Allah Almighty from entering Jannah and will be sent to enjoy the fire of Hell.