As the wildfires rage in Turkey, we find ourselves helpless, observing the devastation with ultimate incapability of getting our brothers out of this calamitous destruction. With vast forests, thousands of fields, and countless natural treasures destroyed… homes and hopes shattered… precious lives lost, we find ourselves wondering:

If the fires of this world are that destructive.. wreaking so much havoc, causing so much pain and suffering, then, O Allah! how much more horrifying,  more devastating, and terrifying the fire of the Akhirah would be?

This world is just a temporary abode. No matter how great our loss or suffering is, it will definitely come to an end one day. There will IN SHA ALLAH be a time when we will rest in the gardens of paradise, with hardly any reminiscence of our worldly pain.

May Allah protect us! What if we don’t make it there? What if our beliefs and our worship will not be acceptable in the court of ALLAH (SWT)? What if we meet our beloved Prophet (sallallahu alaihi wasallam) and he is displeased with us? May Allah protect us!

Entering Jannah is at the same time the easiest and most difficult thing to do. Easy because having faith in La illaha illallah Muhammadur Rasoolullah (sallallahu alaihi wasallam) in its TRUE meaning and all its demands, suffices as a ticket to Paradise. If we get that, then IN SHA ALLAH, we will be saved from eternal doom. But if there is JUST ONE SINGLE ASPECT lacking in our faith…. if we deny JUST ONE SINGLE POINT OF CREED or interpret it in any other way than as it is demanded by ALLAH (SWT) and followed by the Prophet(sallallahu alaihi wasallam) then… my friends, there is no hope.!!

Faith is a test where we need to score a 100/100. We cannot just pick up one aspect of creed and leave another… still hoping that there is some margin for us to pass as believers, as MUSLIMS. There is not. It is either all or nothing.

With that in mind, take out a few moments to examine your beliefs: Are you indeed a true Muslim?