The human brain is one of the magnificent masterpieces of the Almighty. There are hundreds of unsolved mysteries related to just this creation of Allah. Scientists are still busy putting the pieces of puzzles together. But one thing all of them agreed upon is that a human being is under control of his brain! Whatever is nurtured in the brain is reflected in a person’s actions.

If the brain is captivated by anger, hatred, disgust, exasperation, and gloom, the person will end up a pessimist, as he never developed anything but negative vibes in him. He will not be happy and may not tolerate others’ joy, either.

On the contrary, if one’s brain is nurtured with affection, compassion, empathy, and harmony he will be an optimist and a lively person full of joy and love.

This is the reason Islam has greatly emphasized optimism and positive thinking. There are various verses of hope and blessings but the most optimistic verse of the Quran according to Hasan Basri R.A is:

“There are others who have confessed their faults. They intermixed their good deeds with evil. It is likely that Allah will turn to them in mercy, for Allah is All-Forgiving, Ever Merciful”.

(Tauba 102)

What could be more encouraging and motivating for a wrongdoer than this verse when he intends to mend his ways and repent? What could be more satisfying than the thought that The Most Merciful is there to forgive me if I regret my wrongs?

Similarly, Rasool Allah (sallallahu alaihi wasallam) has a beautiful name called Mubashshir (Spreader of good news) and he was indeed one.

He clearly mentioned the quality of a believer:

“Strange are the ways of a believer, for there is good in every affair of his, and this is not the case with anyone else except a believer. If he has an occasion to feel delight, he thanks (Allah), thus there is a good for him in it, and if he gets into trouble and shows resignation (and endures it patiently), there is a good for him in it.”

(Sahih Muslim 2999)

Everything, whether good or bad, is decreed by Allah Most High.

This belief is one of the seven things in which a Muslim must believe. It is included in the formal declaration of Islamic faith known as Iman Mufassal.

All in all, a true believer is always positive because he knows his fate is in the hands of the Most Gracious and the Most Merciful. Nothing can harm him without Allah’s leave. This my friends, is the power of faith! This faith will not let you get disheartened. It will keep evil thoughts from entering your mind.