Declan Henry, the author of “Islamic Messiah: The Life and Times of Ghulam Ahmad of Qadian,” initially wrote favorably about Mirza Ghulam Ahmad, the founder of the Ahmadiyya community. However, after a revealing interview with Mr. Imtiaz, Henry retracted his views, claiming he had been misled by inaccurate translations of Mirza’s writings. In a candid YouTube interview with Mr. Imtiaz, Henry admitted that he was unaware of Mirza Ghulam Ahmad’s derogatory remarks about Jesus. Ghulam Ahmad Qadiani, in his writings, allegedly made inappropriate and blasphemous statements, including accusing Jesus of immoral behavior. When Henry discovered the truth about these writings, he was heartbroken, denounced his previous work, and distanced himself from his earlier praise.Henry’s disillusionment was compounded when he realized that none of Ghulam Ahmad’s critical works had been translated into English when he wrote his book. After discovering the full scope of Mirza Ghulam Ahmad’s controversial claims, Henry urged the Ahmadiyya community to translate all of Mirza’s works into English so that future generations could understand his teachings in a broader spectrum. In the interview, Henry went on to say that Mirza Ghulam Ahmad was not a true Messiah, and even called him a liar. According to Henry, a liar can never be a Messiah. This marked a significant shift in his perception, as he now stands firmly against the teachings of Mirza Ghulam Ahmad that he had once endorsed. This transformation highlights the importance of transparent access to religious texts and understanding the full context of historical figures. Henry’s story serves as a reminder to researchers and writers alike to ensure thorough and honest exploration before drawing conclusions about complex religious and spiritual figures.
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