Here is another stupidity shown by the members of the followers of Mirza Ghulam Qadiani or their communities.

Imagine, I am the teacher of your child. Your child has a complaint about me that whenever he asks me a question, I order him to read the book; and whenever the child enquires reasons about the text written in the book, I tell him to read previous pages to understand. Would you let me teach your child anymore?

Would you send your child to a teacher who does not know much about the subject, or who cannot explain the lessons assigned to him? Of course not!

Now imagine the so-called Caliph of the community answering the queries of his followers by telling them to read the book. Good gracious! Why would they come to you if they have to read the book themselves?!

According to his followers, Mirza Ghulam, the false claimer of prophethood, wrote 100 books in his life. But the Murabbis and debaters defending Mirza Qadiani’s cult only rely upon a single book “Ahmadiyya Pocketbook”.

What is it? It is the answer to all the objections raised on the following of Mirza Ghulam as if to admit that Mirza’s books are not capable of impressing anyone but are in fact a collection of innumerable objectionable things?! So, they created a counter-argument book to save time!

At the moment, even the Pocketbook is not read by the common followers of Mirza Ghulam Qadiani or their so-called “Caliph” himself. On the contrary, followers of Mirza Ghulam fulfill their duty only by sharing the links to the answers on social media, when common Muslims argue with them and the formers are unaware of the answers themselves!!

And when their debaters are not satisfied with this, they tactically ask them which sect they belong to, in order to divert them and to drift from the topics in question. What a strategy to clear doubts!

As mentioned in Surah Al-Baqarah 18:

They are “willfully” deaf, dumb, and blind, so they will never return “to the Right Path.”

To have a precise picture of such dumb and robotic characters, one must read “Brave New World,” the famous science fiction novel by Aldous Huxley.

Unfortunately, members of the Mirza Ghulam’s community are creating an army of these dumb, blind, and deaf robots who neither can argue to prove their so-called “Caliph” nor have the guts to prove themselves.