Have you ever wondered what this beautiful surah of just three verses contains? I know you have not! Let me tell you some amazingly incredible things inside those beautiful verses.

This is the smallest surah of The Quran. Although it is small yet it contains great miracles. Note that the Quran itself is a huge miracle of the Almighty but this is to let you know that if the smallest of the surah has such thought-provoking miracles, then just imagine how magnificent would be the “whole” of the Quran.

Well! So let’s start. It’s the smallest surah and it has ten-word sentences in total. You can see that the three of its verses have exact 10 words. The letter (Alif) is there exactly ten times and the letters which appeared in the complete surah just once are ten as well. The last letter of the three verses is ‘ra’ which is 10th in alphabetical order. The surahs of the Quran which are ending with the letter ‘ra’ are also ten hence, the last one is Surah Al Kauther.

The actual thing that lies beneath this ten-number miracle is that the Ayah was revealed on the tenth Zil Haj, the day we sacrifice and it was revealed in the second Ayah, translation of what Allah said: “So pray to your Lord and sacrifice [to Him alone]”.

So now you can see this smallest surah contains such beautiful miracles that’s why Allah Himself challenged the whole of humanity that no one can bring one similar surah as of Qur’an.

May Allah guide us all to the right path and be mindful of the words of the Qur’an. The beauty of this surah captures the heart and the tranquility we will get from Hauz E Kausar will be no wonder amazing. May Allah grant us a chance to have that blissful feeling. Ameen!

The beauty of the Qur’an,

Every word is of Rahman.