Well, today’s information is going to be news for you if not a revelation. You may ask why? Then here’s the superb answer to the question wrapped beautifully in the question itself! Do you know that in this 21st century there is still a “current account” of the third caliph of Islam, Respected Othman bin Affan (Raziallah Tala Anhu) in the state of Saudi Arabia? Shocked? Yes! And not only that, the bill for water and electricity supplies is still registered in his name!

The story is not short but intriguingly powerful with morale you could get from nowhere but from Islam and inspiration with a beautiful lesson of purity of intention. It’s the happening of the 13th year of prophecy (Nubuwwat) when Muslims migrated from Makkah to Medina. Water was scarce at that time and there was just one well of water that belonged to a Jew and he used to sell his water at a high cost to Muslims. The name of that well was “Bair e Roma” which means the well of Roma. The Muslims were upset and went to the Prophet of Allah to complain. The Prophet Muhammad Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam asked the Muslims “Who will buy this well and dedicate it to Muslims? Whosoever will do this, Allah will grant him a fountain in Paradise.”

Hazrat Othman bin Affan Raziallah Tala Anhu went to that Jew and offered to buy the well but since the profit was quite huge, the Jew denied at once but Hazrat Othman R.A. was a wise man so he offered to buy half of the well on this condition, that the Jew and Hazrat Othman R.A. will benefit from the well alternatively. The Jew thought of it as an advantage since he didn’t know what a gem Hazrat Othman R.A. was, so he agreed to this deal. Hazrat Othman R.A. dedicated the well to Muslims for Allah’s sake and gave everyone free water from the well which resulted in the decline of Jew’s profit since everybody started taking free water and even preserved enough for the next day. Therefore, the Jew offered Hazrat Othman R.A. to buy the whole well so it was bought by Hazrat Othman R.A. in somewhat 35 thousand Dirhams and was given to Muslims for the sake of Allah.

After some time, a rich man came to Hazrat Othman R.A and offered to buy the well at a double cost but Hazrat Othman R.A. said that the offer is incomparable to what he has been promised by the Almighty Himself. The man and his offers were of no value in front of the reward by the Almighty.

Later as time passed, a garden of dates flourished beside the well. During the rule of the Saud dynasty, the quantity of the trees exceeded tremendously and they were total of fifteen hundred and fifty in number, so the government built walls around the garden and registered that place in the municipality with the name of Hazrat Othman RaziallahTalaAnhu, the dates were sold in the market and its income was deposited in the account of Hazrat Othman R.A. Few more years passed, the amount kept increasing to such an extent that a plot was bought with that money and construction of the hotel started with the name “Fandaq E Othman”. This residential hotel’s expected earning is about fifty million Riyals, of which half is given to the poor and needy and the other half is deposited in the account of Hazrat Othman R.A.

This is called pure intention. You never know what action you perform is liked by Allah, but sometimes you just do a few things in the spur of the moment without a proper intention, just like that, and so that action has no value until you have this proper intention of pleasing only Allah and to get reward Only from Allah. This pure intention is what a Muslim needs, this is how trading is done with “Allah”. This is how you give debt to Allah, with the sole intention to make Him happy and this sincerity brings back a thousand times greater than what you spend. You do not need to spend the whole or half of your earnings for Allah. No! only one rupee is enough if you have a sincere intention of making Allah happy. Allah does not need your money, he just tests your intention and if it is pure, then the amount does not matter. Your ten rupees with pure intention are more than enough than your hundred thousand with no purity in intention. Think about it and know that above anything, the purity and sincerity of intentions are important. Allah is All-Knowing and All-Seeing. Start trading with Allah with a pure intention and then He will bless you enough to brighten up your life with shades of light you never knew existed.

Beauty is in the intention,

Love is showered with sincere-ness,

Lakhs if spent have a value of blankness

When it lacks the beauty of intention.