Famous American actor Morgan Freeman asks how different nations, races, and cultures can live together in the world.

A disabled child from Qatar provides an immediate solution to this universal problem by choosing a beautiful verse from the Qur’an:

O humanity! Indeed, we created you from a male and a female and made you into peoples and tribes so that you may ˹get to˺ know one another. Surely the noblest of you in the sight of Allah is the most righteous among you. Allah is truly All-Knowing, All-Aware.

Sports, without a doubt, have a way of unifying people from all over the world. It serves as a platform for city pride and national unity. Countries’ economies have grown significantly as a result of hosting international sporting events like the Olympics, Fifa World Cup, and Super Bowl.

Hosting sporting events has the potential to generate employment, attract capital from abroad, and encourage spending. The Fifa World Cup, which is happening now in Doha in 2022, is anticipated to boost the economy of Qatar and its region. The stadium, metro system, airport, and seaport infrastructure have received billions of dollars in funding. Qatar and its neighbors have seen an increase in employment as a result. Additionally, the banking and construction industries are anticipated to present the greatest opportunities. Because of its new dynamism in relation to the World Cup, it is boosting investor confidence.

Apart from these worldly advantages, Qatar has not squandered the opportunity to promote Islam and dispel misconceptions about the faith that is practiced by billions of people worldwide by hosting one of the most important sporting events in the world.

It is the first Arab country to host the tournament. When a nation is chosen to host an international sporting event, they immediately begin its preparations. In a similar vein, Qatar spent billions of dollars since its selection for the FIFA World Cup in 2010. However, in addition to all of these worldly preparations for stadiums and infrastructure, they also had a game-changing plan for the propagation of Islam in an excellent way, the rewarding results of which are highlighted now in the World Cup 2022.

The most significant and emphasized events Qatar did for World Cup 2022 are listed below:

The event organizers have made sure that the message of Islam is conveyed in a mild manner at every step, from hotels to stadiums.

It was probably the very first time that the people who were watching the mega event’s inaugural match were given presents, a sign of the hospitality that Islam encourages.

Other fundamental rules are strictly adhered to. At Qatar’s stadiums, even foreigners will not be permitted to consume alcohol, which is against an Islamic law.

Qatar made sure that visitors didn’t miss out on the Azan’s beauty and grandiosity by promising an extravagant experience. As a result, they’ve brought muezzins with beautiful voices and microphones for Azan in stadiums. By virtue of that, prayer areas and places for ablution have also been allocated in the stadiums.

Moreover, in hotel rooms, there is a barcode that introduces the teachings of Islam, hadiths, and a simple definition of our faith. In addition, a number of Islamic sayings were displayed to educate the masses who traveled from all over the world to the Arab nation to watch this mega event of sports.

A presenter at the Qatari state-owned sports channel shared Dr. Zakir’s clip, saying “Preacher Sheikh Zakir Naik is present in Qatar during the World Cup and will give many religious lectures throughout the tournament.”

On November 22, the Guardian’s ‘good samaritan’ Majid Freeman claimed in a tweet that over 500 people (apparently tourists visiting Qatar to enjoy FIFA World Cup 2022) have converted to Islam. 

A spokesperson from Qatar said that “Whoever lifts the LGBTQ flag in the world cup, will be arrested for 7 or 11 years, we’re here in an Islamic country you should respect our religion, beliefs, and culture.”

These statements are clear evidence that just to host a World cup and to enjoy its benefits they have not compromised on religion. Rather, took advantage of this mega event to preach Islam through which hundreds of people are embracing Islam.

Palestine wasn’t forgotten by football fans at the opening of the FIFA World Cup 2022 in Qatar. Fans chanted their support for Palestine and called for the protection of the Al-Aqsa Mosque.

Arab and international football fans chanted together “With souls and blood, we sacrifice for Palestine.” They also raised Palestine and Qatar flags together.

The government of Qatar is one of the biggest supporters of the Palestinians and has given an enormous space in the fan zone for the Palestinians and their allies to raise the issue of the control of their property. The Palestine flag was projected onto the sides of Qatari structures.

It is clear from all of these steps taken by Qatar that it is not necessary to cut off from religion in order to get the perks of worldly life. While religion and worldly matters are followed alongside, this results in a beautiful and balanced entity.