In these times of modern social media and multimedia devices, spending time on Facebook and Twitter, experimenting with different apps, sending unnecessary messages or emails, and engaging in these types of activities is just a waste of time. Videos, audios, images, and news that people share are often generated by fake accounts because they become extremely popular and seem to be more authentic than genuine ones. Politicians say something wrong first and at the adverse reaction of the public, they deny their own words. They claim that they did not say that but the news broadcaster reported it wrongly. They don’t realize that these kinds of statements or declarations fall under the heading of perjury!

Similarly, talking unnecessarily on the phone is the easiest way to waste time. Advice…keep it short and as much as necessary. If there is no definite purpose to your conversation then politely disconnect. Relationships are critical to the success of a business and networking is critical for building relationships but being constantly connected to thousands of online strangers is nothing but an unproductive activity.

What is needed is to focus on real relationships and remember, one reliable relationship is better than thousands of online contacts which are pointless and do not get you anything. Always remember the words of your Lord … give priority to your loved ones and do not neglect their rights. The real goal should be to attain the highest rank of Jannah and this can only be acquired with the currency of good deeds. A person who spends his life in useless pastimes won’t have anything to show on the Day of Judgment.

Hazrat Abu Hurairah (radhiAllahu unh) narrated that the Messenger of Allah, (sallallahu alaihi wasallam) said: Allah Almighty says that I have prepared for my servants those things which no eye has seen, no ear has heard and no human heart has ever imagined.

I have often thought about this Hadith too—Hazrat Abu Shureeh Al-Khuza’i (RA) narrated that the Messenger of Allah (sallallahu alaihi wasallam) said, “Whoever believes in Allah and the Day of Resurrection should either speak good words or remain silent.” It is a great virtue of Islam for a man to avoid unnecessary, time-wasting activities.