Allah doesn’t need anybody to protect His religion nor to work for Islam. He is sufficient. He is Qadir ul Mutlaq. He is the one who created us, gave us wealth and health, and blessed us with His mercy.

Muslims worldwide strive for the cause of Islam because they want to earn the blessings of Allah Almighty. Muslims are doing this out of love, voluntarily without any greed for worldly gain.   

Mirza Ghulam Qadiani did everything according to the desires of the colonial rulers. He created a new religion in the name of Islam to destroy the Muslims with weak beliefs. To boost his fake religion, many people are still working and they are doing it for a cause. The workers who promote the cult of Mirza Ghulam Qadiani get a heavy bank balance. All authorities bear all the expenses of their kids’ education until they retire they earn a huge amount of money. From their childhood on, their kids are also encouraged to be a Murabbi for worldly gains.  

This creates a huge difference between a true believer of Islam and a fake believer of the artificial, so-called Islam. The love of money and the love of Allah make an immense difference.