“Maulvi Sher Ali narrated to me that Hazrat sahib (Mirza Ghulam Qadiani) used to say that the people of our jamaat should read my books at least thrice and he stated, that the person who does not read my books, I doubt his Imaan (faith).”

[Seerat ul Mahdi (Old version): Volume No. 2, Page 78, Narration No. 407] 

This is Mirza Ghulam Qadiani’s view about those who don’t read his books but I doubt even his own son had read his books even once!! But man, this is in their own favor!! Imagine if all of the Mirzai jamaat started reading Mirza’s books, what would they find??

Have a look at some of his claims and the denials:

“I have claimed to be Misl-i-Maseeh, which unwise people think is the Promised Messiah. I have never claimed to be Messiah Ibn e, Maryam. Anyone who accuses me of it is absolutely a liar and fabricator. For the last eight years, I have been announcing that I am only Misl-e-Maseeh. By that, I mean that certain spiritual properties and nature and habits and virtues of Jesus (AS) have been given to me as well by God Almighty.”

[Ruhani Khazain: Volume 3, Page # 192], (Izala Auham Pgs. 190-191)

Then, I don’t know. Perhaps he was suffering from absent-mindedness!! He quickly forgot what he had already written (maybe he didn’t read his own books thrice) because he went on to say:

“God named me Mary” in the third volume of Baraheen-e-Ahmadia. “I was nurtured for two years as Mary and was raised in womanly seclusion. Then, the spirit of Jesus was blown into me just as it was done with Mary.  Hence, I became pregnant in a metaphorical manner. After a period of several months, not exceeding ten, I was made Jesus out of Mary by the revelation embodied in the last part of the fourth volume of Braheen-e-Ahmadia and thus, I became Jesus, son of Mary. But, God did not inform me of this secret at that time.”

[Ruhani Khazain: Volume 19, Page # 50. Kashti Nooh Pgs. 46-47]

How can a person read this thrice and not lose his mind?? 

Well, we will discuss that later. Let’s have a look at another one of his claims:

“I swear upon God in whose hands is my life, that He has sent me and He only has appointed me a prophet and He called me by the name Promised Messiah.”

[Ruhani Khazain: Volume 22, Page # 503] Haqiqat ul Wahi]

And then there is another one:

“Thereafter, Divine revelations descended upon me like torrential rain, affirming that I am the Promised Messiah who was to come.”

[The Essence of Islam: Volume 4, Page # 46]

This is only one example of his falsehoods. His books are filled with lots of false claims and mental chaos.

I don’t think that any of the follower of Mirza Ghulam Qadianis have ever read his books even once because the majority of his books are not translated and no one bothers to translate them. I am sure no sensible man can ever believe a person with such extremely diverse statements.

Whatever Mirza Ghulam Qadiani said, not only did it contradict the Quran and Ahadith but his own writings too! This is the reason Jamaat does not bother to translate all of his books because they know that once people go through them, ‘boom’ the truth will be revealed.

There is another side of the story as well, many of the followers of Mirza Ghulam Qadiani do not read his books because they want to be in the jamaat!! Yes, you got me right!! They are aware of all nonsense he wrote in his books but they don’t read them deliberately because they know after reading them they won’t be able to stay in jamaat because they will not be able to stand the truth. For the sake of their personal, social, political, or economical benefits they just live in a fool’s paradise. By ignoring his books they keep their false faith firm!!

I would request all the dear innocent Ahmadis to go through all of Mirza Ghulam Qadiani’s books and then decide whether to follow him or not.